Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Handball players BREATHLESS FOR PH

Association for patients with pulmonary hypertension the campaign for raise the public awareness of existence of the rare diseases and pulmonary hypertension which is a chronic progressive incurable disease of the lungs and heart will mark with several activities throughout the course of May.

Although sometimes the desire for a "normal life '' (which is deprived because of the illness of these people) is too big they cannot have a healthy life, but it can be qualitative, if adjusted to the capabilities.In the spirit of sport and adrenaline euphoria after the race of 5 km players of Vardar and Metalurg proved to be worthy opponents and supporters of the rare diseases and PH.

The hosts and guests in branded shirts of PH launched and supported the campaign REMAIN BREATHLESS FOR THE INDIVIUDALS WITH PH on11.05.017, and the association was the guest of the hosts. Also as a sign appreciation for the given support the president of the Association Gjurgjica has delivered Certificates of Appreciation to the teams.

We witnessed fighting and energetic game with a lot of points and result which although brought Vardar another victory in this match winners were all who generously and proudly donned primarily the shirt of Pulmonary hypertension.
Although Vardar scored the first goal, a point plus which we noticed was a hug with the support and appreciation from Stojanche Stoilov and Philip Kuzmanovsky, hug and  a PH t-shirt as a gift to the audience from Timur Dibirov, most sincere applause from Arpad Sterbik. 

And certainly the thunderous shouting of the  Komitas who welcomed the coming out of Gjurgjica to the ground and all the team members of Vardar and Metalurg and the audience.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

PH Angels

Angel without wings, came and went, You went to eternity and left the breathless days.  Went where angels live and I hope in the eternity has soothe your tortured soul. You left on this day, where there is no return and left a legacy to us who stayed to fight for every breath.

We sent three of You today, this day We dedicate to you even though you're not with us you will always be in our fragile hearts. We couldn’t save you, or help you more, but we can remember your struggle for life and as a dumb witness to continue the paths for a better morning.

A remembrance will remain, we were fighters in the same struggle, we lost battles they broke us but in your name and for those who remain and live life as saplings let’s make a better morning.

 My friends our PH Angels you flew away, you left, you lost the battle for breath, but we will not forget on You. Today, one year from the last battle, and every year a new battle and life without You.

                                        STAY AT THE STARS AND TAKE CARE OF US

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Ангели со ПХ

Ангелу без крилја, дојде и замина, замина во вечност и ги остави бездивните денови. Отиде каде ангелите што живеат се надевам во вечноста се смири твојата напатена душичка. На денешен ден замина, од каде нема повраток и ни остави аманет нас кои останавме да се бориме за секој нов здив.

Ве испративме тројца до денес, овој ден Ви го посветваме Вам иако не сте со нас секогаш ке сте во нашите кревки срца. Неможевме да ве сочуваме да Ви помогнеме повеќе, но можеме да се сеќаваме на Вашата борба за живот и како нем сведок да ги продолжиме патеките за подобро утро.

Едно сеќавање ќе остане бевме борци во иста борба, изгубивме битки не скршија но во Ваше име оние кои останаа и живеат живот ко фиданки да направиме подобро утро.

Мои пријатели наши ПХ АНГЕЛИ летнавте заминавте ја изгубивте борбата за здив, но не забораваме на Вас. Денес една година од последната битка, а секоја година нова битка и живот без Вас.